ABOUT US > The aid structure 

The Aid Structure

We provide our support in Bangladesh through a cooperation of three organizations: Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe (DCKH) headquartered in Germany, Operation Cleft Australia Foundation (OCA), headquartered in Australia, and Syed Nuruddin Ahmed Development Foundation (SNADF), the local partner in Bangladesh.

OCA as well as DCKH have been active in Bangladesh for more than 10 years, supporting people with cleft lip and/or palate with love, care and passion.

The collaboration has made it possible to expand the project locations and services offered by the organizations, improving their ability to help by engaging more surgeons, performing more operations, and reducing administrative costs.

DCKH and OCA have chosen SNADF as their local partner. SNADF facilitates implementation of the administrative side of the project, like settling financial transactions and maintaining governmental queries or requirements on behalf of the cooperation.

On the ground, our surgeons raise awareness of cleft and of our treatment offers and treat patients at the hospitals they are based out of as well as on surgical missions throughout the country. Funding is generously provided by the partner organizations' donors.

You can find further information about the three organisations here:

and about our surgeons here.